From the category archives:


World class sales? Where is marketing?

“Sales and Marketing” are often coined together in phrases and discussions, yet too often there is a disconnect with the value that marketing can and should provide to sales. Let’s get on the same page; maybe it starts with the elements that make up a world class sales AND marketing organization.

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Your Customers Are Mobile, Are YOU?

Thanks to devices like the iPhone, BlackBerry, and now Android, mobile is no longer an afterthought in most marketing budgets, but a well-deserved line item. Be it through the skyrocketing number of iPhone and other Smartphone device sales or mindboggling downloads of applications — more than four billion on for the iPhone in less than two years — mobile is fast becoming a central channel for your customer engagement efforts.

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Social Media Analytics — The Next DEWmocracy?

Web Analytics Demystified provides objective strategic web analytics advice to companies striving to realize the full potential of their investment in web analytics, while Altimeter Group is a research and advisory firm that provides companies with a pragmatic approach to disruptive technologies.

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Why are Marketing Analytics Like Cracker Jacks?

Marketing analytics offers the same promise as Cracker Jack — chock full of tasty insights plus a free surprise! With marketing analytics, the high maintenance customer is actually the high-value customer! Kudos to Zappos, which saw the “surprise inside” their data and leveraged it for greater brand value.

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How effective is your Co-op Marketing Program?

Using marketing analytics, data and technology to drive improved program performance.
As a consumer marketer reaching your customers through a franchise or retail distribution network, you know it’s critical to coordinate and leverage marketing activities for maximum impact and results.  More than ever, your marketing budgets are under scrutiny, while at the same time there’s ever-growing [...]

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Marketing analytics impact on B2B nurturing

According to the Webster Dictionary, “nurturing” is the act of furthering the development of someone or something. In the B2B world, selling opportunities need to be developed over some period of time. Marketing analytics play a critical role over that period of time. They’re critical in what you are nurturing and how you are going about it.

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New Agency Skills for New Times Or The 3 Cornerstones of the Digital Age

I believe there are three cornerstones to Marketing 2.0: 1) CRM/data, 2) web analytics and 3) digital/social marketing skills including merging online and offline data. Who has these skills? These capabilities are provided to clients in a hodge-podge of services in what Forrester calls a “web of confusion.” As marketing services providers, ad agencies, interactive agencies, technology providers and direct marketing firms all start looking alike, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for clients to tell us apart. So much so, the CMO study states, that one solution for marketers is to start bringing these skills in-house, either by training existing staff or hiring new ones.

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Data Goes Primetime.

The world our kids will soon occupy as adults will be using data in smarter and smarter ways. How about cupboards and refrigerators that tell you what you should stock up on as you go grocery shopping? How about medical records that travel with you instead of sitting in a folder in a file cabinet? What if you never had to fill out a financial aid form for your college-bound child because that was already in electronic form with the IRS?

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Using data and marketing analytics to define the multichannel marketing mix

Use Analytics to Adapt Quickly to Your Audience’s Changing Preferences
Most marketers would agree that their consumers are now using multiple channels to research, shop and purchase. Offline and online communications are more tightly entwined than ever before. For example, many marketers have known for years how targeted direct marketing and cataloging will drive the right [...]

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Customer Profiling: Understanding Your Financial Services Customer

Whether you’re a bank offering deposit products, an insurance company offering income protection or an investment house responsible for retirement planning, it is critical that you have a better understanding of your customers. This will help put you in a position to provide better service, retain those customers and grow the existing relationship.

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