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Marketing Data Security

Marketing Data Security: 3 Tips to Maintain Email Security

Email has become the modern day communication business tool. We use it for everything from selecting a lunch spot to passing contract signatures. Did you know that sending email across the internet is not secure? Your email message can be, and often is, read by other people. What do you think might happen if you attached a report containing customer data to an email and sent it? You have possibly published that information to the world! There are several things you should do to protect your email…

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Marketing Data Security: FTP and Data Shipping Security

Marketing data, including customer and sales information, is some of the most valuable information within an organization. It is paramount that this information remain secured from tampering and theft. Companies that have experienced data loss have experienced large fines and loss of reputation, and some have gone out of business.  In this series of short [...]

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Marketing Data Security: 5 Tips To Secure Your Laptop

Marketing data, including customer and sales information, is some of the most valuable information within an organization. It is paramount this information remain secured from tampering and theft. Companies who have experienced data loss have experienced large fines, loss of reputation, and some have gone out of business. In this series of short articles, we’ll provide tips for securing your data on various devices and at data connection touch points. In this article we’ve provided tips to secure the marketing data on your laptop.

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Marketing Data Security: Securing Your Cell Phone or Mobile Device

Today’s business cell phones are more than just a phone, they are smart phones. Whether you use an iPhone, Droid, Blackberry, or other smart phone for business, you probably have corporate email, contacts, and other data on the phone. Essentially, cell phones are becoming smaller versions of our laptops and have unique security concerns. The following are some things to keep cell phones secure…

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