Part of leveraging social media in the B2B space is understanding that it is not just about the “business” per se. It’s about understanding the channels through which your brand can and will be found and optimizing each and every touch point with the right information. In this post we explore the various components of a LinkedIn profile and provide suggestions on how to leverage those parts and pieces.

Don’t Let Meetings Be the Death of Your Organization

Our company kicked off an employee book club last month, with the inaugural book being “Death by Meeting,” written by Patrick Lencioni.  The author weaves a fictional tale of a company struggling with staff meetings, and how those affect the long-term success of the organization.  I certainly won’t give away the entire plot line, but [...]

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Is Multichannel Marketing Really “Dual-Channel” Marketing?

With the clamor in the marketing world about multichannel marketing, it recently dawned on me that most so-called multichannel marketing is more like “dual-channel” marketing. The campaigns that I’ve seen usually combine two symbiotic channels such as website and email, website and bricks and mortar, email and phone, direct mail and phone, print and PURL, etc. My guess is that way over half of all multichannel campaigns actually involve only two channels.

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Your Customer Segments Are on the Move!

Marketers have known for years that it is imperative to understand what customers their product or service appeal to. The fact is many of those traditional, tried and true methods of profiling, enhancing customer information in order to gain a more complete, descriptive view of your customers are still valid today. The challenge we often see, is that the customer, household and market has fragmented and often can render traditional, static segments obsolete. New markets are opening up and old markets are dying.

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American Bankers Association Marketing Conference In Review

A solid multi-channel marketing strategy that is fueled by insightful marketing analytics is one way to address a number of these marketing challenges. We live and market in an “always on” world that puts new requirements on marketers. The consumer is in charge and they have much higher expectations on how they can interact with your organization. One of your objectives should be to deliver a consistent and relevant brand experience across the entire consumer relationship.

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Test and Learn: Take a Direct Approach.

Multi-segment marketing requires planning and a long-term commitment to the process. You need to establish test metrics, and practice careful auditing through out the entire process. Testing increases complexity. It increases your cost per contact. Not every test is a success. Failures can be costly (or painful). Success does not happen on the first try — usually. Progress is slow. Think about creating a test matrix. List all the things you might be able to improve and put each item in its own segment of the matrix.

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Seven Reasons Why You Should Pick an Analytics and Creative Partner Under One Roof

Seven Reasons Why You Should Pick an Analytics and Creative Partner Under One Roof. The reasons and benefits of having intelligence-based creatively minded analysts working together. Every creative piece is designed to capture more information about your audience to build your database. So, unlike other media, you know what works and what doesn’t. And through testing and retesting, you refine your approach and your message, so you can find ways to improve your results every time out.

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Improving Health Care Member Engagement on the Web with Marketing Analytics.

Many of the nation’s top health insurers and health care organizations are looking to engage members and customers in a more meaningful way using available technologies such as interactive websites and mobile applications. The challenges we find when working with these organizations are that many are not tracking the right engagement information or, even worse, don’t have access to the information in the first place. Most organizations that have robust website will use some sort of web analytics as a component of their interactive offerings, but how are they using this analytic information to improve member engagement and reduce expense?

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Marketing Data Security: 3 Tips to Maintain Email Security

Email has become the modern day communication business tool. We use it for everything from selecting a lunch spot to passing contract signatures. Did you know that sending email across the internet is not secure? Your email message can be, and often is, read by other people. What do you think might happen if you attached a report containing customer data to an email and sent it? You have possibly published that information to the world! There are several things you should do to protect your email…

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Sales Enablement 101 – Getting Started.

Taking sales force to the next level will alway require management buy-in. Sales Enablement dashboards and toolsets are certainly available, but there is an investment that goes along with that. Selecting the right vendor who will look inside your sales organization and create a unified view across all customer data is key. If you need to help your management team buy-in to this sales methodology, be armed with case studies and success stories, whether you work with a B2B or B2C sales organization. This is a new frontier, and you are fortunate to be on this side of it.

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