From the category archives:


Why are Marketing Analytics Like Cracker Jacks?

Marketing analytics offers the same promise as Cracker Jack — chock full of tasty insights plus a free surprise! With marketing analytics, the high maintenance customer is actually the high-value customer! Kudos to Zappos, which saw the “surprise inside” their data and leveraged it for greater brand value.

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Data Goes Primetime.

The world our kids will soon occupy as adults will be using data in smarter and smarter ways. How about cupboards and refrigerators that tell you what you should stock up on as you go grocery shopping? How about medical records that travel with you instead of sitting in a folder in a file cabinet? What if you never had to fill out a financial aid form for your college-bound child because that was already in electronic form with the IRS?

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Using data and marketing analytics to define the multichannel marketing mix

Use Analytics to Adapt Quickly to Your Audience’s Changing Preferences
Most marketers would agree that their consumers are now using multiple channels to research, shop and purchase. Offline and online communications are more tightly entwined than ever before. For example, many marketers have known for years how targeted direct marketing and cataloging will drive the right [...]

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Cloud Computing Berth Is Widening

In recent years, we haven’t thought of Microsoft for their bleeding-edge technology leadership, but few can argue that when they enter a specific market or technology, their influence and credibility is substantial.  Memos and public statements from Microsoft leadership form a timeline that one can connect to substantial investments and changes in the industry.  In [...]

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Data Modeling Creative License.. And When to Take It.

Many questions circle the heads of Database Architects during the design phase of any database build; especially those that aim to integrate existing data sources into a database to support a direct marketing practice. A solid discovery process answers many of these questions, and usually concentrates on aspects of the data that are self-evident, either from direct analysis or exposure to some level of documentation.

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Database Marketing Assessment: Data Management

Data management is clearly not the sexiest part of our work, but nothing else can be accomplished without intelligent data management and data hygiene processes. I can even say now, after the passage of several years, that I am grateful that I was forced to attend a weeklong training program called “Data Hygiene Boot Camp” when SIGMA was part of The Acxiom Corporation (the mental scars have healed).

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Marketing Analytics for the New Marketing Reality. Part 3 of 3

According to Brian Haven, senior analyst at Forrester Research, Engagement involves four components: involvement, interaction, intimacy, and influence, each built from data collected online and offline. “Using engagement, you get a more holistic appreciation of your customers’ actions, recognizing that value comes not just from transactions but also from actions people take to influence others…”

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Database Marketing Assessment : Campaign Management

As we’ve been discussing in these Marketing Assessment posts, our first approach with new clients is to understand their business with a Five-step Maturity framework that ranges from basic to sophisticated – we hope to objectively rate where a client’s database marketing expertise falls on a scale of 1-5 and we provide a score and a roadmap for organizational improvement. Let’s look at some of the questions we ask when it comes to Campaign Management.

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Database Marketing Assessment: Targeting and Analytics

Oftentimes, our first approach with new clients is to understand their business with a Five-step Maturity framework that ranges from basic to sophisticated — we hope to objectively rate where a client’s database marketing expertise falls on a scale of 1–5 and we provide a score and a roadmap for organizational improvement. In these few posts, I’ll review the types of questions we often ask to understand where an organization fits into our framework and where the biggest opportunity for improvement lies.

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Marketing Analytics for the New Marketing Reality. Part 1 of 3

The new reality for marketers is that the old techniques aren’t working. The marketers who will break through and succeed in the New Reality will be those who can bring the traditional measurements together with the monitoring and measurement of customer engagement. In my next post, I’ll further explore the new world of customer engagement and how it affects our ability to measure what counts with consumers.

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