From the category archives:

Sales Optimization

Sales Force Automation is great but…

Most SFA tools are designed to record what activities a salesperson has accomplished … assuming of course, that they consistently input the data. The tools themselves add very little value to the salesperson. In fact, most salespeople view data entry as an arduous task and a waste of valuable selling time.

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The Sales Optimization Portal: A Critical Tool for Technology Marketers

For years there has been a huge chasm between marketing and sales when it comes to applied analytics. Marketing typically hired analysts to build predictive models to make direct mail and email programs more effective. But the findings of these models were rarely ever shared with Sales – and they were even more rarely turned into actionable programs for the sales teams.

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Get Smart: Make Sure Insights from Marketing Analytics Reach Your Sales Force

Armed with an intelligence-based “playbook” of identified and prioritized account level opportunities for each product/service in the portfolio, the sales representative has a focused territory plan, with resources aligned to drive customer and market share growth, while shortening the sales cycle. Don’t leave the sales process out of the mix when applying marketing analytics and insights. Now that’s getting smarter!

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As a campaign metric, ROI beats response rate every time

A simple ROI calculation does it all: Test cell revenue/test cell cost. Run the numbers on your next campaign and you may find some fascinating new insights about the results of your programs.

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