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channel marketing

Why are Marketing Analytics Like Cracker Jacks?

Marketing analytics offers the same promise as Cracker Jack — chock full of tasty insights plus a free surprise! With marketing analytics, the high maintenance customer is actually the high-value customer! Kudos to Zappos, which saw the “surprise inside” their data and leveraged it for greater brand value.

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Data Goes Primetime.

The world our kids will soon occupy as adults will be using data in smarter and smarter ways. How about cupboards and refrigerators that tell you what you should stock up on as you go grocery shopping? How about medical records that travel with you instead of sitting in a folder in a file cabinet? What if you never had to fill out a financial aid form for your college-bound child because that was already in electronic form with the IRS?

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Predictive Analytics: Use Your Noodle

“Predictive analytics optimizes marketing campaigns and website behavior to increase customer responses, conversions and clicks, and to decrease churn. Each customer’s predictive score informs actions to be taken with that customer — business intelligence just doesn’t get more actionable than that.”

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“I’m drowning in data, float me some insights!” Let marketing analytics be your life ring!

More and more marketers are using both web activity and offline data to make marketing decisions, and this trend will continue to increase – so there’s more data coming to add to the confusion. Investing in marketing analytics support services will keep you afloat and will also help you set a course and keep on tack as you navigate through the sea of offline and online data.

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