From the category archives:

Sales Optimization

There Is No Quick Fix. But Lead Generation Can Get You Off To The Races.

B2B pros should take a step back, breathe deeply and “look at the big picture” to determine the best way to approach lead generation.

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World class sales? Where is marketing?

“Sales and Marketing” are often coined together in phrases and discussions, yet too often there is a disconnect with the value that marketing can and should provide to sales. Let’s get on the same page; maybe it starts with the elements that make up a world class sales AND marketing organization.

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How effective is your Co-op Marketing Program?

Using marketing analytics, data and technology to drive improved program performance.
As a consumer marketer reaching your customers through a franchise or retail distribution network, you know it’s critical to coordinate and leverage marketing activities for maximum impact and results.  More than ever, your marketing budgets are under scrutiny, while at the same time there’s ever-growing [...]

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Marketing analytics impact on B2B nurturing

According to the Webster Dictionary, “nurturing” is the act of furthering the development of someone or something. In the B2B world, selling opportunities need to be developed over some period of time. Marketing analytics play a critical role over that period of time. They’re critical in what you are nurturing and how you are going about it.

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Identifying decision makers enhances marketing analytics

A key to any sales effort is to identify the decision makers, influencers and recommenders and convince them that your products and services are needed to drive the business value they are striving for — whether it is efficiency, revenue generation, cost take-out, market share, etc. But, it often take weeks or months to determine the real decision-making process and its participants. Your effort up front to gather as much information about the company as you can and to go further to identify the decision makers will make your marketing analytics smarter and your sales efforts more effective.

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The New Revenue Engine and the role of Marketing Analytics

The old revenue engine is focused on the sales team. When companies want to double revenue, they double their sales force. In the past, this model worked. Information that prospects wanted was not readily available with just a few clicks, so prospects were willing to speak with a sales rep to get it. But things change. Recent years have highlighted the flaws of the old revenue machine. This post reviews those flaws.

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Marketing Analytics Can Bridge the Chasm Between Marketing and Sales

Cats and Dogs? Hatfields and McCoys? Red Sox and Yankees? Of the classical rivalries through the ages, none beats the consistency of Sales v. Marketing. We’ve spent years developing strategies for clients in marketing departments and been frustrated when the frictions between Marketing and Sales have held back the adoption and/or results of some pretty smart programs.

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Hitting Growth Goals by Targeting Existing Customers

Retention models can identify those customers most likely to leave. Cross-sell models can be used to identify which customers have additional resources to spend, allowing you to get a bigger share of their wallet. Lifetime value models can help you prioritize your efforts on those customers that will be the most profitable over the long haul.

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New sales organizations or new markets? Get in hire gear with marketing analytics

Building a new sales organization to enter a new market, whether to generate business from a new product/service or to cover a new geography, can be challenging. You no doubt have done your research and made your projections that suggest the market is ready for the new offering. Or, you believe you can drive growth with more sales coverage. But beyond market saturation campaigns, how can you REALLY jumpstart your initiative and start out in high gear? B2B marketing analytics is the answer.

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He Has a Great Personality Online. Why it’s imperative for marketers to merge online and offline behavior data

As digital communication becomes pervasive, people are cultivating their personalities online, and they aren’t always the same personalities displayed offline. An entire generation of the digitally sociable are far more comfortable online than in real life. What does it mean for marketers when your customers’ online personalities and their real life selves are total opposites?

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