From the category archives:

Campaign Management

The Secret Sauce for Successful Marketing Campaigns

As the practice of marketing analytics is making a name for itself, and businesses are starting to catch on that they’ve been capturing all this great customer information. These same businesses are now starting to realize they should consider using it! If you are using predictive analytics to target your marketing campaigns, you should be seeing improvement in response rate from versus older campaigns where no predictive analytics were available. It is still common practice to send email campaigns or direct mail pieces to every contact in your list, hoping that mass distribution will lead to higher volume of responses.

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How Much Are Your Customers Worth?

As marketers, we have heard about it for years: It is important to understand the total value of your customers over the “lifetime” of their relationship with your brand, product or service. Makes sense, right? Why would you not want to understand the total impact a loyal customer can have on your acquisition and retention efforts based on this calculation? However, a great number of marketers we speak to still overlook future revenue opportunities by not recognizing the true lifetime value of current customers. Even though quite a number of companies can recognize differences among customers’ loyalty over a lifetime, they are often unable to quantify or act on those differences.

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5 Steps to Clean up Your Marketing Campaigns With Old Spice Body Wash.

The Internet is buzzing about Old Spice’s new viral video campaign. Many marketers view this as a great social media success story, but as Augie Ray at Forrester pointed out, there are as much if not more lessons to be learned about marketing in general. Here are 5 steps any marketer can take to apply lessons learned from Old Spice’s success to their campaigns:

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Getting the Most From Your Mobile Marketing Campaign.

Mobile Marketing and Social Media are rapidly growing because they are providing companies the unique opportunity to connect with consumers and they allow companies to track the user experience across multiple channels which is also known as Social CRM.

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Don Draper and the Long, Winding Road to Cross-Channel Marketing Success

As most B2B and B2C marketers look in the mirror halfway through 2010, it’s a time for a brief pause to reflect on what it takes to successfully integrate and measure multiple marketing channels. Let’s face it, the last 10-15 years in the marketing business have been like no other in our lifetime and the next decade promises to be even more interesting and exciting. Makes me want to watch another episode of Mad Men to pinch myself on how far the marketing industry has come. Imagine Don Draper (chief character in the excellent AMC series, Mad Men) in a room full of web analytics folks? And no one was smoking or drinking?

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Let Them Eat… From the Distributed Marketing… Cake!

Distributed marketing is a powerful concept and capability allowing the corporate marketing organization to develop campaigns in support of enterprise business goals, maintain the brand’s images and messaging while enabling a local flavor to the organization’s marketing execution. When I think of Distributed Marketing, a couple things come to mind.

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Why ROI Measurement Is So Elusive

Definitions for Marketing ROI abound, but the pressures to achieve it have increased to fever pitch across all channels and marketing specialties. Why? One reason may be that with all the new marketing technology tools―with their claims of incredible measurement capabilities blasted to your in-box daily―the real complexity of getting to ROI has become washed over. Expectations have been raised. You need to figure it out.

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Marketing analytics impact on B2B nurturing

According to the Webster Dictionary, “nurturing” is the act of furthering the development of someone or something. In the B2B world, selling opportunities need to be developed over some period of time. Marketing analytics play a critical role over that period of time. They’re critical in what you are nurturing and how you are going about it.

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Marketing Assessment: Messaging

Building the groundwork for sophisticated multi-segment, multichannel messaging strategies first takes some digging. We often work with clients to understand their level of messaging sophistication with a Five-step Maturity Framework that ranges from basic to sophisticated— we hope to objectively rate where a client’s expertise falls on a scale of 1-5 so we can help build a roadmap for organizational improvement. In this post I’ll review the types of questions we often ask to understand where clients land on the messaging scale and where the biggest opportunity for improvement lies. 20 Questions for Messaging Assessments.

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Marketing Analytics for the New Marketing Reality. Part 3 of 3

According to Brian Haven, senior analyst at Forrester Research, Engagement involves four components: involvement, interaction, intimacy, and influence, each built from data collected online and offline. “Using engagement, you get a more holistic appreciation of your customers’ actions, recognizing that value comes not just from transactions but also from actions people take to influence others…”

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