Posts tagged as:

Employee satisfaction

Don’t Let Meetings Be the Death of Your Organization

Our company kicked off an employee book club last month, with the inaugural book being “Death by Meeting,” written by Patrick Lencioni.  The author weaves a fictional tale of a company struggling with staff meetings, and how those affect the long-term success of the organization.  I certainly won’t give away the entire plot line, but [...]

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What’s Up with Employee Satisfaction? 5 Themes from Motivation 2.0

Today I take a slight detour from my usual subjects of marketing analytics and multichannel marketing. Three converging events have me questioning employee satisfaction. While I was on vacation, I read Daniel Pink’s new book, Drive ( Then, I stumbled across a blog from Harvard Business School, Why Are Fewer and Fewer U.S. Employees Satisfied with Their Jobs? ( And, coincidentally, we did our biannual employee engagement and satisfaction survey at SIGMA Marketing Group. Only 45% of workers in the U.S. are satisfied with their jobs, according to the Conference Board, so what did I gain from this immersion in employee motivation that can help me as a manager improve employee engagement?

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