From the category archives:

Multi-Channel Marketing

Unified Marketing: Buzzword or Bellwether?

Unified Marketing is all about unifying the data across multiple marketing channels. I often cite the statistic from Forrester that more data was created last year than in the history of world up until now. What happens to it? Most of it is garbage and what is good is seldom, if ever, put into an integrated customer database housing both online and offline date. In this article we share some of the obstacles that hold brands back from a truly unified marketing approach.

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What the Grateful Dead Can Teach Us About Consumer Insights and Marketing.

The Grateful Dead created a lasting legacy. You may not like their music, or identify with the culture and period of time when the band was at its high point, but you have to appreciate and admire what they cultivated in terms of followers and passionate fans. So, what does this have to do with marketing insights, targeting and all the other great stuff we talk about in our Fifth Gear Analytics Blog? Well, the book provides some interesting takeaways for those of us interested in consumer insights and using marketing analytics to improve our products and services.

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Is Web Analytics Alone Enough to Understand Your Web Interactions?

We’ve discussed this at length in previous posts… Perhaps the fact that we keep bringing it up my elude to the fact we believe this to be critical to marketing successes in the future. The Web Analytics Association defines web analytics as “…the measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of Internet data for the purposes of understanding and optimizing Web usage.” From a web design perspective, that’s an appropriate description. However…

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Distributed Marketing: An idea whose time has come for Technology Marketers

Distributed Marketing is a concept for delivering automated marketing services to small- and mid-sized businesses, resellers or other sales/service channels through a larger marketer who would act as a centralized enabler of data, analytics and technology.

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The Secret Sauce for Successful Marketing Campaigns

As the practice of marketing analytics is making a name for itself, and businesses are starting to catch on that they’ve been capturing all this great customer information. These same businesses are now starting to realize they should consider using it! If you are using predictive analytics to target your marketing campaigns, you should be seeing improvement in response rate from versus older campaigns where no predictive analytics were available. It is still common practice to send email campaigns or direct mail pieces to every contact in your list, hoping that mass distribution will lead to higher volume of responses.

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“Relationship Marketing” Is More Than Just a Buzzword from 2008… It’s a Necessity!

What exactly is relationship marketing? Is it just another buzzword to add to our list of ever growing terms for how we justify new marketing efforts, marketing budget transition and, shift in strategy? According to Marketing-Jive – it did not make the 2010 top marketing buzzwords list. It was, however, on the top 100 buzzwords list for 2008. Is it a thing of the past? My belief, with the explosion of social media is that relationship marketing is no longer the strategy, but rather the end goal.

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How Complex Is Your Communications Landscape?

The market will continue to invent new ways to communicate and, therefore, new channels for marketing to master. The flexibility of a multi-channel tool to adapt to new channels will be a key factor in the success or failure of marketing initiatives as the communication landscape continues to evolve.

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Sophisticated Data Modeling and Analytics Lead to Better Marketing Metrics

Marketing professionals need to track and analyze the effectiveness of their marketing programs. Best practices align marketing activities, strategies, and metrics with business objectives. Creating a framework to track and measure marketing performance is critical in today’s marketplace. Marketing metrics focuses on measuring, managing, and analyzing performance to maximize effectiveness and optimize marketing ROI. Three elements play a critical role in managing marketing performance; data, analytics, and metrics.

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The Transition of “Digital Days” to “Multichannel Days.”

Earlier this month, I attended the Digital Days conference sponsored by the DMA in New York City. The conference highlighted how critical it is for companies to look at their direct, digital and targeted marketing in a multichannel context. The issue is: Is it really only about Digital these days?

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The Future Is “Tradigital”

Media consumption changes are blurring the boundaries between the old and the new, as TV viewing is either delayed or online; print now offers it’s content in print and digital form; and online activities are leveraged for both online and offline sales goals. Once you controlled the conversation, now you are part of the conversation.

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