From the category archives:

Marketing Metrics and Reporting

How effective is your Co-op Marketing Program?

Using marketing analytics, data and technology to drive improved program performance.
As a consumer marketer reaching your customers through a franchise or retail distribution network, you know it’s critical to coordinate and leverage marketing activities for maximum impact and results.  More than ever, your marketing budgets are under scrutiny, while at the same time there’s ever-growing [...]

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Marketing analytics impact on B2B nurturing

According to the Webster Dictionary, “nurturing” is the act of furthering the development of someone or something. In the B2B world, selling opportunities need to be developed over some period of time. Marketing analytics play a critical role over that period of time. They’re critical in what you are nurturing and how you are going about it.

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Data Goes Primetime.

The world our kids will soon occupy as adults will be using data in smarter and smarter ways. How about cupboards and refrigerators that tell you what you should stock up on as you go grocery shopping? How about medical records that travel with you instead of sitting in a folder in a file cabinet? What if you never had to fill out a financial aid form for your college-bound child because that was already in electronic form with the IRS?

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Marketing Assessment: Messaging

Building the groundwork for sophisticated multi-segment, multichannel messaging strategies first takes some digging. We often work with clients to understand their level of messaging sophistication with a Five-step Maturity Framework that ranges from basic to sophisticated— we hope to objectively rate where a client’s expertise falls on a scale of 1-5 so we can help build a roadmap for organizational improvement. In this post I’ll review the types of questions we often ask to understand where clients land on the messaging scale and where the biggest opportunity for improvement lies. 20 Questions for Messaging Assessments.

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Managing customer data privacy in a multichannel world

Admittedly, most companies are not out to cross the line on what information about a consumer could be shared in a way that violates hard-earned trust and destroys a relationship they work so hard to establish. However, as online and offline data capture and analysis boundaries are tested and expanded, there will be more and more attention given to this emerging area. Data-driven agencies and marketers must be vigilant about how they intend to use identifiable consumer data to ensure that their customers have a clear understanding about and confidence in how this information gets used.

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Best In Class Marketing Analytics Start with Business Requirements

Hats off to the marketing departments for the Marketing Technology companies who do a fantastic job at selling the sizzle of their technology! Unfortunately for the many failed implementations, falling in love with a tool is just not the right way to bring marketing analytics and measurement into your organization. Forrester’s Liz Boehm* phrased this nicely “Don’t Put the Technology Cart in Front of the Business Case Horse”

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Marketing Analytics for the New Marketing Reality. Part 2 of 3

We are used to tracking web traffic, purchases via phone, web and retail locations. Add into that reviews in sites like Yelp, Facebook fan activity, LinkedIn updates, Tweets — good and bad, blog content, RSS content, mobile activity. Every day there are new apps like Foursquare (a location service-based social network/game. What it does is tell you where your friends are and adds a little fun to going out in the evening) and Chat roulette (exactly where is that going?).

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Growing revenues with multichannel marketing analytics

Consumer goods companies and retailers know that multichannel customers are more profitable, and often more loyal. Industry research shows that these shoppers spend 30 to 50 percent more than those who buy through a single channel. The challenge for marketers is ensuring top-notch customer experiences and availability of cross channel marketing analytics to help attract, retain and grow these high-value customers.
Consumers are going to interact with your brand in ways that fit their needs based on convenience, preferred communication methods and their comfort in dealing with your product or service. So, how do you regularly turn multichannel marketing challenges into profitable opportunities?

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Multichannel Marketing Needs a Measurement Rosetta Stone

I’ve been a Direct Marketing person for a long time, and I like my marketing measurements pretty tangible: “number of people responding to my message,” “total sales per person,” “number of buyers per household,” “return on marketing investment,” and so forth. Measurements like GRPs and Pass-Along Copies always seemed pretty squishy to me – it always seemed like someone was getting fooled, yet no one really got upset about it! I was secretly delighted the other day to read Forrester’s David Cooperstein write (in his January 15th article “The Future of Media Measurement, Preparing for a Convergence of Measurement across Channels”):

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Marketing Analytics and Pharma — No Data Left Behind

Pharmaceutical companies are slowly winning the battle to halt the FDA’s efforts to regulate drug promotion on the internet and through social media. The Washington Legal Foundation (WLF) and Pfizer filed a brief with the U.S. District Court in April requesting to limit the FDA’s guidance to prevent the free speech of drug manufacturers on social media sites such as blogs, Facebook and Twitter.

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