From the category archives:

Lead Generation

Lead Generation: Are you using B2B marketing analytics?

Certainly, lead generation has value and should be an element of every sales and marketing organization. However, “leads” come in all shapes and sizes. They come from traffic generated at a trade show, from a web visitor downloading content from your website, from a direct marketing campaign or from a web seminar, among other efforts. Yet, some of those “leads” are simply your competitors trying to find out what you are up to. Other “leads” are companies that you cannot afford to sell to due to their limited budgets. And still others are just interested in the topic with no project in mind, or authority to act.

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New sales organizations or new markets? Get in hire gear with marketing analytics

Building a new sales organization to enter a new market, whether to generate business from a new product/service or to cover a new geography, can be challenging. You no doubt have done your research and made your projections that suggest the market is ready for the new offering. Or, you believe you can drive growth with more sales coverage. But beyond market saturation campaigns, how can you REALLY jumpstart your initiative and start out in high gear? B2B marketing analytics is the answer.

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The Sales Optimization Portal: A Critical Tool for Technology Marketers

For years there has been a huge chasm between marketing and sales when it comes to applied analytics. Marketing typically hired analysts to build predictive models to make direct mail and email programs more effective. But the findings of these models were rarely ever shared with Sales – and they were even more rarely turned into actionable programs for the sales teams.

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Get Smart: Make Sure Insights from Marketing Analytics Reach Your Sales Force

Armed with an intelligence-based “playbook” of identified and prioritized account level opportunities for each product/service in the portfolio, the sales representative has a focused territory plan, with resources aligned to drive customer and market share growth, while shortening the sales cycle. Don’t leave the sales process out of the mix when applying marketing analytics and insights. Now that’s getting smarter!

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