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Call Center Optimization Through Better Marketing Analytics

In this case study, among the available prospect data records, only half were contacted each month, leaving the other half of the prospect data records untouched. The initial list selection was based on annual sales/revenue, which succeeded in eliminating the poorest performing prospects. However, those prospective customers were not further prioritized for their call center representatives to focus on the best prospects.

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When is the best time to integrate strategy into your marketing analytics and modeling projects? At the beginning, middle, and end of the project!

Why build models for marketing campaigns? One reason is to help rank and select the right prospects that correspond to your program objectives — those who are most likely to take action on your offers. For an acquisition program, who is most likely to buy from you?
For a retention program, who is at risk of leaving you? It is critical that you strive to integrate a strategic mindset throughout your marketing analytics modeling project, from beginning to end, and then beyond.

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As a campaign metric, ROI beats response rate every time

A simple ROI calculation does it all: Test cell revenue/test cell cost. Run the numbers on your next campaign and you may find some fascinating new insights about the results of your programs.

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