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Barb Cote

8 Tips to Improve Campaign Landing Page Conversion

Are you running campaigns that are getting a decent click through rate, but no conversions? Are you running campaigns that don’t really deliver? You might want to consider these 8 tips to improve landing page conversion.

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Test and Learn: Take a Direct Approach.

Multi-segment marketing requires planning and a long-term commitment to the process. You need to establish test metrics, and practice careful auditing through out the entire process. Testing increases complexity. It increases your cost per contact. Not every test is a success. Failures can be costly (or painful). Success does not happen on the first try — usually. Progress is slow. Think about creating a test matrix. List all the things you might be able to improve and put each item in its own segment of the matrix.

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Seven Reasons Why You Should Pick an Analytics and Creative Partner Under One Roof

Seven Reasons Why You Should Pick an Analytics and Creative Partner Under One Roof. The reasons and benefits of having intelligence-based creatively minded analysts working together. Every creative piece is designed to capture more information about your audience to build your database. So, unlike other media, you know what works and what doesn’t. And through testing and retesting, you refine your approach and your message, so you can find ways to improve your results every time out.

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5 Steps to Delivering High-Performance Email Campaigns.

When we design an email at SIGMA, there are 3 very important areas of the email design to consider. There is the messaging side — what are we saying, who are we saying it to, and why will they want to read it? Then there is the rendering side — will it look the way we intended it to look across every possible browser? And lastly there is the deliverability side — will it arrive in the recipients email Inbox?

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A new study finds consumers active on Twitter are three times more likely to impact a brand’s online reputation through syndicated Tweets, blog posts, articles, and product reviews than the average consumer.

Marketing Miracle No. 1: Walking on Water

It’s no longer good enough to provide our clients with innovative ideas and measureable results. In the current recessional climate we need to be Marketing Miracle Workers. In our Client Satisfaction survey we ask our clients to rank us on the “can’t imagine doing business without SIGMA.” factor. It’s important to us that they feel we are essential to their success! That is why we have to produce marketing miracles for our clients.

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Survey Says: Email Provides the Perfect Direct Response Test Kitchen.

Email marketing campaign typically work better when an incentive is offered to the readers to complete a task or interact with the sending brand. Studies show that where incentives are offered, response rate is higher. Knowing how to incentify is the key to unlocking successful email marketing campaigns.

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The Future Is “Tradigital”

Media consumption changes are blurring the boundaries between the old and the new, as TV viewing is either delayed or online; print now offers it’s content in print and digital form; and online activities are leveraged for both online and offline sales goals. Once you controlled the conversation, now you are part of the conversation.

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Xerox “Talks the Walk” with Marketing 2.0

Smarter marketing is all about utilizing what you have – lots of key information in your database — and tailoring every communication to reflect that knowledge in a way that will increase cusomer response and satisfaction.

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Become A Student of Social Media

Social media is about engaging. Like it or not it is about giving more than you receive. If you don’t know what your audience wants or how you can help them, then you don’t know what to give. What does that mean? It means that your efforts in social media, internet marketing and probably business in general are going to provide half the return they could if you took the time up front to know your customer, build your plan and execute.

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